Knitting Peace

Follow the threads to peace in an elegant stage show that marries breathtaking artistry with beautiful live soundtracks.

  • Scientists believe that striving for something better is what keeps us alive. The worst-case scenario would be to achieve our goals without finding something new to pursue. Circus artists often strive to achieve the impossible. Is the pursuit of an impossibility the way to happiness? Is to strive for peace on earth, to strive for the impossible?

    Can the effort itself make a difference?
    Is it possible to make peace?

    In this poetic circus performance, filled with yarn, tangles, ropes and threads, the artists try to knit their way to peace. Five circus artists create a magically beautiful world of ropes and yarns. Welcome to indulge in enigmatic music, sensitive poetry and a powerful quest for meaning.

Tour Dates

March 21-22, 2025Macao Cultural Centre (MO)Tickets
October 1-4, 2025Landskrona teater (SE)Tickets

An aesthetic whole, a well-composed visual poem, executed with scenic, contemplative calm.

  • Knitting Peace at your venue?

    Since its premiere in 2013, Knitting Peace has performed over 400 shows on three continents in 17 countries and 75 cities. Its core theme—our struggles to attempt world peace—is still very relevant today, so we can´t stop touring it.

    Minimum measurements:
    Stage area: 9 x 11 mt
    Stage width (min): 12 mt
    Stage depth (min): 12 mt 
    Ceiling height (min): 7 mt

  • At museums, parties or events

    We have created Knitting Peace-inspired and personally tailored performances at, among others, the Nobel Prize Banquet, the Swedish Institute in Paris and the Army Museum in Stockholm.

We Knit for Peace

  • What started as the circus production Knitting Peace on a world tour has evolved into an international peace movement of knitters. Since 2013, local and global "Calls to Knit" have filled theatre foyers and exhibition spaces with knitted pieces and reflections on peace. 


Breakneck poetry in a homespun world. A charming and sympathetic work where the whole trumps the individual efforts – like stitches in a knitted piece.

Dagens Nyheter

An aesthetic whole, a well-composed image poem, executed with scenic, contemplative calm.


Physical skill in combination with beautiful poetry creates fantastic art.

El País
  • Running time: 120 minutes

    Age restrictions: Knitting Peace was created with an adult audience in mind. Still, we know that many children have enjoyed the show. You know your child best!

Cast & Crew