Artist – Nathalie Bertholio

Follow the thread, it may get tangled or tied, but it will create links between us and lead us towards a more peaceful world.

Nathalie, in regard to Knitting Peace

Nathalie Bertholio is a circus artist specialising in vertical rope and Cyr wheel.

Part of

Artist, Satyagraha (2016)
Artist, Knitting Peace (premiere 2013)


Nathalie Bertholio has graduated from the Balthazar Preparatory School in Montpellier, the National School of Circus Arts in Rosny-sous-Bois, and Stockholm University of the Arts. Her main disciplines are vertical rope and Cyr wheel.

In 2012, Bertholio co-created TANMIS Company with Simon Deschamps. In 2013, she joined Cirkus Cirkör in the show Knitting Peace for a European and South American tour. She has also performed with other companies such as Cirque Level, Sugar Beast Circus, CirkusPerspektiv and in various operas, cabarets, events and music videos. Since 2018, she has been playing for young audiences with the show "Borborygmes" from Compagnie ScoM. In 2019, the TANMIS Company released a new show "HIC", for non-dedicated spaces, supported by "La Verrerie, Pôle National des Arts du Cirque Occitanie". This show continues its path, always trying to be closer to the audience and the territories.

In addition to her artistic work, Bertholio is trained in fascia therapy (Myofascial Energetic Release). Today, she continues her journey in the field of manual therapy by training in Somatic-Psychopedagogy, a formative method based on the links between body and psyche, established by Pr D. Bois.