Courses & trials

  • Whether you are 5 or 115, have a bendy body, fear heights, or are already accustomed to spinning around your shoulder, you can practice circus! Do you want to join us for a trial class, train with us, sign up for a course, or participate in circus play guided by experienced circus educators? Most of our courses and training are held in the Cirkör House in Alby, Botkyrka, but we also have circus courses in Gothenburg. Our vacation courses are held throughout the country.

Courses for Children & Adults

Cirkör Prep

Foto: Lina Axelsson Berg

Cirkör Prep

Half-time semester-long course

Circus Play

Foto: Ali Quraishi

Circus Play

Foundation course for children aged 5-7

Contemporary Circus

Foto: Ali Quraishi

Contemporary Circus

Foundation course for children and youths 7–18 years

Family Circus

Foto: Ali Quraishi

Family Circus

Foundation course for children and youths 5–18 years and their adults

Contemporary Circus for Adults

Foto: Ali Quraishi

Contemporary Circus for Adults

Foundation course for adults aged 16–115

Contemporary Circus, Step 2

Foto: Ali Quraishi

Contemporary Circus, Step 2

Continuation course up to 12 years

The Cirkör Course

Foto: Ali Quraishi

The Cirkör Course

Continuation course for children and youths from 12 years

Aerial Acrobatics

Foto: Ali Quraishi

Aerial Acrobatics

Continuation course for adults and youths from 12 years

  • Chill with Cirkör

    Try training circus, practice parkour, hang out in our chillout corners, watch when others train, have a coffee or just hang out and have fun!

  • Drop-in training

    Decide what you want to train yourself. You are welcome to join in both if you're already taking a course or want to try training circus for the first time.

Summer Holidays!

  • Summer Holiday Course in Alby

    For five summer days, you get to train circus with us, try new disciplines, and meet other children interested in circus. You get to try acrobatics, juggling, partner acrobatics, tightrope walking, and aerial acrobatics in the Circus Hall in Alby. Expect five days filled with play, laughter, and lots of circus!

    Training Camp for Young Adults

    Are you between 18 and 30 and want to train circus this summer? Welcome to the Circus Training Camp 2025! Cirkus Cirkör's youth section invites other young adults interested in circus to a week of training, socialising, and creation.

  • Summer Holiday Courses in Sweden

    Our Summer Holiday Course on tour in Sweden, in collaboration with Folkets Hus och Parker, returns this summer as usual. We will soon release the dates and cities that will be visited. Stay tuned!

Circus Courses at Different Sites

  • Cirkör House in Alby

    The Cirkör House in Alby is Northern Europe's largest circus hall. Here, you'll find the majority of our courses for both children and adults.

    Our bookings page is only available in Swedish. Get in touch if you need help.

    'Cirkus efter skolan' in Botkyrka

    In 2025 we start a new project where children in a number of selected schools in Botkyrka municipality can practice circus with us for free on the school premises. We have just held a sports holiday course - more information about the term courses will come soon. Stay tuned!

  • Stora Teatern in Gothenburg

    We hold courses for both adults and children at "Stora Baletten" at Stora Teatern in Gothenburg city centre.

    Lights On Cirkus

    Are you between six and twelve, attending Ellen Keyskolan or living in Hammarkullen, Hjällbo, or Rannebergen? Then you can train circus with us for free through Lights on Cirkus.

    Kulturskolan Håbo

    We organise free circus courses for children between 5 and 15 at Generator in Bålsta, in collaboration with Kulturskolan Håbo. Sign-ups and administration are handled by them.

  • Good to know

    Different cities, different routines

    Age limits, price, routines and the course content may differ a bit if you take your course in Stockholm, Gothenburg or Håbo. The correct information can always be found on the city's booking page.

    Botkyrka discount

    If you are a resident of Botkyrka Municipality under the age of 20, you are entitled to the “Botkyrka Discount” of SEK 600 per course. To get the discount, check the appropriate box on the sign-up form. Cirkus Cirkör will cross-check this against the population register.

    Insurance & administration fee

    The course fee in Stockholm includes the cost of training insurance with the Gymnastics Association of SEK 150. A SEK 29–79 administration fee is also added to the invoice.

    Stora Teatern administers the courses in Gothenburg, and the participants are insured through the municipality of Gothenburg.

    You become a member of Cirkus Cirkör

    To book a course in Stockholm, you must become a member of Cirkus Cirkör's non-profit association, which means, among other things, that you receive Cirkör's newsletter and have the right to vote at the association's annual meetings. Membership in Cirkus Cirkör's non-profit association costs SEK 60 per calendar year (Botkyrka inhabitants get a 10 SEK discount) and is automatically added to the invoice.

    Term Timetable for Stockholm

    Who trains when? A term timetable can be found HERE!

  • Frequently Asked Questions

    Where are you located?

    Cirkus Cirkör is a touring company, but our headquarters – The Cirkör House – is located in Alby, Botkyrka, in southern Stockholm. The majority of our courses are held here. Our address is Rotemannavägen 22, 145 57 Norsborg.

    We also have term courses in Gothenburg and Håbo, and you can find more information about these venues on their booking pages. Vacation courses are typically held all over Sweden.

    Do you have courses in Stockholm City?

    Not right now, unfortunately.

    Am I too young/old to train circus?

    Everyone between 5 and 115 can train circus. We have term courses for both children, youths and adults. All courses have information about their age limits on their pages.

    How many classes does the course include?

    One term typically includes 12 classes.

    Do I need any pre-knowledge?

    We have courses for all, from newbies to almost professionals. If any specific pre-knowledge is needed, you can read about it on the course page.

    How late can I cancel my booking?

    You have the right to cancel your booking whenever, but you need to get in touch at least 14 days before the course classes for us to credit your fee.

Contact (Alby)

Contact (Alby)

Have questions about our courses or how you can start practicing circus in Alby? Contact

Contact (Gothenburg)

Contact (Gothenburg)

Have questions about our courses or how you can start practicing circus at Stora Teatern in Gothenberg? Contact

Contact (Håbo, Lights On)

Contact (Håbo, Lights On)

Have questions about our courses or how you can start practicing circus in Håbo or Lights On Circus? Contact