Lights On Circus

  • Are you between six and twelve, attending Ellen Keyskolan or living in Hammarkullen, Hjällbo, or Rannebergen? Then you can train circus with us for free! The training takes place on the school premises during leisure time, and you don't need to have trained circus before.
    We offer semester courses, trial circus sessions, break activities, and holiday courses.

    The circus training is a collaboration between Lights On and the City of Gothenburg, made possible thanks to a generous contribution from the Stena Foundation.

    Want to see more from us? Follow Lights On Circus on Instagram.

    Directly to the booking pages:

After the circus, it feels like I've accomplished something. The circus makes Mondays fun.

– Participant from Ellen Keyskolan

This should be more frequent and expanded. It's entertaining for the children and beneficial for the community.

– Parent from Rannebergen
  • Foto: Jonathan Morell
  • Ellen Keyskolan in Hisingsbacka

    Age: Preschool class to grade 6
    Day: Every Monday
    Time: Different times for different ages; see the booking page
    Location: Ellen Keyskolan's sports hall, Wadköpingsgatan 161
    Price: Free
    Semester course: The course runs from February to May and from September to December
    Holiday courses: Held almost every holiday; see holiday courses
    You don't need any prior experience to start at Lights On Circus

    Try circus for free!

    Age: All ages are welcome
    Day & Date: Monday to Friday, July 1–5
    Time: 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
    Location: The park below Ellen Key School by Baron Rogers gata
    Price: Free
    No prior experience needed

  • Foto: Jonathan Morell
  • Rannebergen

    Age: Preschool class to grade 6
    Day: Every Tuesday
    Time: Different times for different ages; see the booking page
    Location: Rannebergshallen, Fjällblomman 7
    Price: Free
    Semester course: The course runs from February to May and from September to December
    Holiday courses: Held almost every holiday; see holiday courses
    You don't need any previous experience to start at Lights On Circus

    Try circus for free!

    Age: All ages are welcome
    Day & Date: Wednesday to Friday, June 12–14
    Time: 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
    Location: Playground outside Ranneberg School
    Price: Free
    No prior experience needed

  • Foto: Jonathan Morell
  • Hjällbo

    Age: Grades 1–6
    Day: Every Wednesday
    Time: Different times for different ages; see the booking page
    Location: Gamla Hjällboskolans sports hall, Hjällboplatsen 1
    Price: Free
    Semester course: The course runs from February to May and from September to December
    Holiday courses: Held almost every holiday; see holiday courses
    You don't need any previous experience to start at Lights On Circus

    Try circus for free!

    Age: All ages are welcome
    Day & Date: Monday to Friday, June 24–28
    Time: 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
    Location: At Hjällbo Parklek, Bondegärdet 17
    Price: Free
    No prior experience needed

  • Foto: Jonathan Morell
  • Hammarkullen

    Open training for all ages, from 14:45 to 16:00
    Preschool class to grade three, from 16:15 to 17:45
    Day: Every Thursday
    Location: Nytorpsskolan sports hall, Bredfjällsgatan 70
    Price: Free
    Semester course: The course runs from February to May and from September to December
    Holiday courses: Held almost every holiday; see holiday courses
    You don't need any previous experience to start at Lights On Circus

    Try circus for free!

    Age: All ages are welcome
    Day & Date: Monday to Thursday, June 17–20
    Time: 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
    Location: Parkleken Hammarkullen
    Price: Free
    No prior experience needed

We work with Lights On Circus

Filip Jerlin

Douglas Magnusson

Lina Jungergård

Anna Jarrick

It's great because you get to train circus for free.

– Participant from Rannebergen

They encourage children to show their best.

– Parent from Nytorpsskolan
  • Foto: Jonathan Morell
  • What is Lights On Circus? 

    Lights On Circus is an initiative made possible through a generous donation from the Stena Foundation. It allows children from preschool to seventh grade in Hisings Backa, Rannebergen, Hammarkullen, and Hjällbo to participate in circus training with Cirkus Cirkör. The program is part of the City of Gothenburg's Lights On initiative.

    Lights On Circus aims to increase safety in the community and build children's self-esteem and collaboration skills.

    In 2023, Lights On Circus activities were visited 3328 times, including semester courses, holiday courses, trial activities, and school shows in various sports halls, park playgrounds, and classrooms. The activities also extended to local festivals, parent evenings, squares and schoolyards. Three dedicated and professional educators were involved throughout the year.

    The target audience for Lights On Circus is children between the ages of six and twelve, but their parents, siblings, assistants, teachers, and neighbours were also engaged throughout the year.

  • Foto: Jonathan Morell
  • Social Circus 

    At Cirkör, just like circus companies worldwide, there is a strong tradition of using circus training to empower individuals and contribute to positive societal development. We use the term Social Circus to describe circus as a social hub, a meeting place, an educational tool, and a societal actor.