Fit In
A pedagogical circus show about cooperation, trust and finding your own place.
In Fit In, we meet three different characters. Who is who? Surely they are the same? Or are they actually completely different? With the help of aerial acrobatics, line dancing, and partner acrobatics, the artists take the audience on a colourful journey that both touches and engages.
Created by Cirkus Cirkör's pedagogical department, which has over 20 years of experience working with circus arts in schools.

Fall 2019
Klara Sköldulf Philipp
Olivia Bjurling
Olivia EnglundhSpring 2020
Olivia Bjurling
Olivia Englundh
Alrik LundinFall 2020
Olivia Bjurling
Olivia Englundh
Alrik LundinTEAM 2
Einar Kling-Odencrants
Stina Otterström
Arttu LahtinenSpring 2021
Team 1
Alrik Lundin
Stina Otterström
Arttu LahtinenTeam 2
Olivia Bjurling
Olivia Englundh
Anna Saskia SticklerFall 2021
Stina Otterström
Arttu Lahtinen
Klara Sköldulf PhilippArtistic Team
Director: Inger Jungehall
Set design: Cajsa Lindegren
Costume: Dea Lundström
Koncept: Fanny Senocq