We miss you days and nights

A photo exhibition by Karolina Henke, who has followed the ensemble in the performance Circus Days and Nights.

On stage, from a hot air balloon or in a square in the middle of the city - Cirkus Cirkör is constantly finding new ways to meet the audience. Inspired by her latest production, the newly written opera Circus Days & Nights by the legendary Philip Glass, Cirkus Cirkör and photographer Karolina Henke have produced the exhibition We miss you days & nights.

When I entered Cirkör's circus universe, it was as if I had found what I did not know I had longed for, perhaps my whole life. I found home! Here they not only dreamed of doing completely impossible things - they did it too. High ceilings for differences and where strength and creativity are found both in the odd, as well as in the common denominators that now unite us. I want to be part of all this and tell about it and share it with others

Karolina Henke


Exhibition at your place?

Do you have a place that would be perfect for a photo exhibition with a circus? Get in touch!