Foto: Sanna Lindberg
We Knit for Peace
An International Peace Movement
Call to Knit
What started as the circus production Knitting Peace on a World Tour has evolved into an international peace movement of knitters. Since 2013, local and global "Calls to Knit" have filled theatre foyers and exhibition spaces with knitted pieces and reflections on peace. Urban knitters have yarn-bombed public spaces while craftivism unites and weaves together places such as New York, Buenos Aires and Borås. These calls to knit are ongoing processes of co-creation, and several initiatives that began in connection with Knitting Peace now live on as independent projects. Together, we have a vision that each unique knitted piece can be joined together into a worldwide Knitting for Peace.
This artwork in the form of a world map made with wool from Trelew (a city in Patagonia, Argentina) was created by the artist Jesús Huarte for “Knit for Peace” action in Borås. The work’s title combines the words “holos” (all/everybody) and “topos” (place). The idea is to knit a worldthat includes everyone– a place to live and moveabout in, without conflict,where roots can grow deepand wide, all over.
For inspiration and interaction, visit We Knit For Peace Facebook Group, that started in Borås 2013.
How to start a Call to Knit
- Find and activate knitting groups in your local network.
- Organize a knitting seminar in connection with a performance (email us, and we can put you in touch with the venue you want to be at), a knittingcafé or a guerrilla action in town.
- Join the Facebook group We Knit for Peace for inspiration and contact with other peace knitters worldwide.
- Publicize the location and time of the knitting call in your social networks (and the Facebook group), create your own posters, and put them up in places for posting.
- Ensure you have white yarn (or ask participants to bring it), tables and chairs on site.
- Download and print our knitting instructions and information below.
- Knit preferably in white, any motif, but with a link to your desire for peace.
- Discuss, get inspired and answer the questions:
- Why do you knit?
- What do you strive for?
- Is it possible to knit peace? - Write down one or more of the answers above on our labels, along with your name. Tie the labels to the knitted pieces. (To get our labels/tags, please mail us at so we can send them to you.)
- Feel free to email us pictures of what you create and write if we can use your photos on our social media.
- If you want to contribute your work to our worldwide exhibitions and scenography, you can send us your knitting physically. Email us at, and we will give you instructions on how to do so.
Contact us for any questions at
Alby - Cirkörhuset
Fanø stikkefestival
Stockholm - Dansens Hus
Stockholm Armémuseum
Borås - Textimuseet
We knit for peace
We knit for Peace
We knit for Peace
We knit for Peace
We knit for Peace
We knit for Peace
We knit for Peace
We knit for Peace
We knit for Peace
We knit for Peace
Aino Ihanainen vid We knit for Peace
We knit for Peace
We knit for Peace
We knit for Peace
We knit for Peace
We knit for Peace
We knit for Peace
We knit for Peace
We knit for peace/Knitting Peace event
We knit for peace/Knitting Peace event
We knit for peace/Knitting Peace event
We knit for peace/Knitting Peace event
We knit for peace/Knitting Peace event
We knit for Peace
We knit for Peace
We knit for Peace
Foto: Sanna Lindberg
Foto: Sanna Lindberg
Foto: Sanna Lindberg
Foto: John Carlsson
Foto: John Carlsson
Foto: John Carlsson
We knit for Peace
We knit for Peace
Knitting Peace lastar ur.
We knit for Peace
We knit for Peace
We knit for Peace
We knit for Peace
We knit for Peace
We knit for Peace
We knit for Peace
We knit for Peace
We knit for Peace
We knit for Peace
We knit for Peace
We knit for Peace
We knit for Peace
We knit for Peace
We knit for Peace
We knit for Peace