Cirkus efter skolan

  • Are you between 6 and 13 years old and attending Tallidsskolan in Fittja or Kvarnhagsskolan in Alby? Then you can train circus with us for free! The training takes place on the school premises during leisure time, and you don't need to have trained circus before.

    The circus training is a collaboration with Botkyrka municipality, made possible by a generous contribution from Signatur Foundation Sweden and Gålöstiftelsen.

    We are currently arranging two circus courses during the spring break – book your spot down below:

    More information about our spring term course will be available soon.

    Directly to the spring break course booking pages:

We work with After School

Mikaela Valencia Veide

  • Foto: Jonathan Morell
  • What is Circus After School? 

    Thanks to a generous contribution from the Signatur Foundation Sweden and Gålöstiftelsen, children from preschool to grade 6 in North Botkyrka can now train circus for free with us at Cirkus Cirkör.

    With this support, we can offer high-quality, regular circus training in a safe and inspiring environment where children can grow, challenge themselves, and eventually perform with their new skills.

  • Foto: Jonathan Morell
  • Social Circus 

    At Cirkör, just like circus companies worldwide, there is a strong tradition of using circus training to empower individuals and contribute to positive societal development. We use the term Social Circus to describe circus as a social hub, a meeting place, an educational tool, and a societal actor.